James Duane Bolin
“Home and Away”
My Declaration of
celebrate Thursday on the Fourth of July our birth as a nation, our
independence from a distant and tyrannical government that failed to protect
our natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Around this
time of year we tend to contemplate Thomas Jefferson’s paraphrase of the
philosophy of John Locke.
In the Declaration
of Independence, Jefferson wrote about independence: “WE, THEREFORE, the Representatives
of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to
the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the
Name, and by Authority of the good People of the Colonies, solemnly publish and
declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be FREE AND
According to Lincoln,
our government was established “of the people, by the people, for the people.” We
learn about independence from Jefferson, but we also learn about dependence
from Lincoln. As much as we cherish independence and individuality in America,
we live, after all, in community with each other. Writers such as Wendell Berry
have written about the local economy that helps to sustain us, and the local
community of which we depend. As much as we tout the new global economy, in
times of crisis we turn not to the far-flung world for comfort, but to our
immediate family and friends. Perhaps we need a Declaration of Dependence to go
along with our Declaration of Independence.
I know that during a
health crisis my family and I learned a great deal about dependence. We learned
how much we took for granted our family, neighbors, and friends, how much we
had come to depend on them.
Over three hundred years
ago, Brother Lawrence came to depend on goodness from above. In “The Practice
of the Presence of God,” Joseph de Beaufort, Brother Lawrence’s close friend,
wrote that in the monastery, “even when he was busiest in the kitchen, it was
evident that the brother’s spirit was dwelling in God.”
Brother Lawrence came to depend on God even
while he performed the most menial of tasks. De Beaufort wrote that Brother
Lawrence “often did the work that two usually did, but he was never seen to
bustle. Rather, he gave each chore the time that it required, always preserving
his modest and tranquil air, working neither slowly nor swiftly, dwelling in
calmness of soul and unalterable peace.”
Our thoughts have turned
of late to Thomas Jefferson and the independence we share as a
nation, but our thoughts also turn in gratefulness to dependence on our
community of family, neighbors, and friends.
And like Brother Lawrence, this writer is learning to depend on another
source for courage and strength. Such is my Declaration of Dependence.
Duane Bolin is Professor Emeritus of History at Murray State
University. Contact him at jbolin@murraystate.edu
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